- Known bug. Customers seem to take the closest weapon, once they notice the weapon they want is in their range.
- Customers don't notice weapons that are already inside their range when they enter the store, you need to take any weapon out of the range and put it back in for them to notice it.
- Generally when you craft a weapon, the guard/grip stays still and the blade teleports into place. If the guard is pointing into the table, attaching a blade to it will cause the weapon to be stuck. To fix this, hold alt while looking at the weapon to rotate it (ignoring physics), until it is out of the table.
- This is because the grab system pulls the item to a fixed position in front of you, usually closer to you than the item originally was. When the item snaps to this position, it pushes anything on top of it at highs speeds. Be careful picking up an item at the bottom of stack, and you should be fine.
Hopefully you can use these workarounds in the meantime.