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(2 edits)

Just got into this game last update and let me just say i absolutely adore everything about it, from the writing, to the characters, to the music its just such a delightful experience and probably one of the first dating sims i found myself wanting to play all characters route of. DyneWulf you're doing an amazing job!

However, coming with being a relatively new fan i was wondering who's routes are currently complete. I started on Harold's myself - and am just about to play the new release which i am extremely excited for - and have been debating who to chose once he was complete so thought it'd be best to check in case anyone was currently incomplete. Also i am unsure if the panther will be added to and i am assuming he will remain a side character but i'd certainly be interested in finding out more about him hahaha. Finally i was wondering what you use to make the game as i've been planning out a game myself for a while but have been having a hard time finding something i liked to make it on and this seems really intuitive for the player.

Anyway, i look forward to what is to come so please keep up the good work! 

Edit: Was wondering if there is a way to reset saves in the game? I'd deleted the previous version and the saves remained but was hoping to start fresh to make the most of Harold's finished route. Thank you


If you're playing on a PC, you can find the save files in your User folder, AppData, Roaming, Renpy, Extracurricular Activities folder. So if your username is Joe it would be :
C:\Users\Joe\AppData\Roaming\Renpy\Extracurricular Activities (assuming Windows 10 here). Just delete the files here and it will reset everything.

Not sure about Mac but I believe it's the same principle.

For android, simply delete the APK from the system and it *should* remove the saves. Then you can re-install it.

Ah perfect, thank you

Unfortunately, the devs have said that Side Characters will not be dateable. So we still have hope for Richard, but characters like Azaghal, Bam, Dexter, Charlie, Andrew etc will not have routes.

Ah that is a shame but understandable, thank you