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I love TD games and this one it's definitely a uniquie and fun way to approach it! 

At first it seemed almost impossible to progress in the game, unlocking other weapons made it more affordable. I find it a little strange that the difficulty of the game progresses in this way, going from hard to easy, when it is usually the other way around when teaching new users how to play.

I loved the concept anyway!

Thanks for playing and glad you liked it.

We designed the unlockable weapons to be side-grades as opposed to upgrades, with no one weapon being objectively better than another. At least that was the intention.

As for difficulty, we send stronger enemies at the player the farther in you get. Have you found the laser pointer in the options menu? That thing really helps when you are learning the game (and when you're just playing it, both me and my co-dev can't play without anymore).