This is very cool! Nice work to all of you. The presentation really impressed me. I appreciated the small touches like each button on the controller in the UI being pressed when the respective key is. And the integration of the framing device into the gameplay itself is quite clever. The flames on disabled buttons, the actual button names appearing inside the tiny flames on "screen"—I loved it.
Making the kick home in on enemies was a smart design decision because it compensates somewhat for lost directional controls and enables recovery. The game did get frustrating when I lost enough controls, though. At that point I was just spamming what buttons I had left, and it wasn't especially fun. If you were going to evolve this concept, I'd suggest adding and balancing abilities such that each can compensate for the loss of the others in some fashion, probably just requiring a different play style. Ideally the player should be able to recover even when down to a single input, just like it's still possible to win in other games when you've only got a sliver of health left. But if all you've got left in your game is literally "Left," then you're pretty much out of luck.
Anyway, excellent job, and congrats on a completed jam submission!