14 - 18 /07 : still going strong !!
I may not have continued to post dev logs over the past couple of days because I was busy with my job and stuff, but I still got some work in on the game ! I'm getting pretty close to finishing the base requirements I had for this game, which I am very happy about considering that means I'll still have time to work on extra stuff and tweaking here and there before the end of the jam!
Now, without further ado, what I got done in the past couple of days:
- Watched more tutorial videos of the series I mentioned, as well as a video by Brackeys on main game menus to work on later
- Made a new, more complete tileset:

I'm honestly still not too happy about it, certainly will switch the grass colours around considering I find the scene way too dark and do other tweaks along the way- I just wanted an environment that looks a bit more finished right now! As you may be able to see I also added in a small sprite instead of the cube, that I'll be animating later.
-I redid the movement script a bit to get it to work more smoothly and edited a few small things here and there to declutter the project
- I added a 'soil' object, on which you should be able to plant stuff! I added a script to it as well, at first it just displayed a message upon interaction, but now I got it working so that the crop will be planted upon interaction! Here's a gif with all the stages when I was testing stuff:

In the soil script the stage of the crop gets saved as an integer value, and each individual stage is saved as an animation! The animation transitions from one stage to the next depending on an integer value that represents the stage, in order to get the crop growing i'll have to implement a system that starts the next day and then adds to this number !
-I added a camera movement script based on the one in the tutorial series mentioned in an earlier post, but the smoothing isn't working as I want it to- It makes everything look rather choppy when it's below 1, so I'll have to find something else for that - I might also make the camera a bit smaller in general, as things look a bit zoomed out still right now.
That's about all I got done! All that's left to implement to finish the core of what I had left now is a start screen, an option to harvest a crop, a mechanism that starts a 'new day' and puts all crops in a new stage (and perhaps more updates to the art) and then i should be good to go and start working on extras!