Day Eight
Quick update because I'm falling asleep. Not as much ground today as I was hoping, but a few things. I learned about lerping and how to clamp values, and got my camera working pretty much how I want, including a brand new script for it that I can configure much better than the first one. I threw together a short loop of level music to test my concept, and got it working pretty painlessly. Basically you have variations on the same theme depending on which world is active, that swap and play seamlessly as you go. I think it'll be really neat. Setting up the audio sources for music was a breeze, but I don't really understand how to script for SFX, so I've still got that on the to do list. I know an audio manager would be a good idea, but I don't know if I want to take the time to tackle it.
Got started a bit on a player sprite, but didn't really get where I wanted to be, which is sort of tough to tell because I don't have a great sense of what I'm going for visually. I made the choice to go all in on mechanics and no story because it's very difficult for me to keep story scope small, but consequently I don't really have a sense of who the player character is or what's going on in this world (or, I suppose, worlds). Also, despite deciding yesterday I wasn't going to bother, for some reason I made collectibles.
As part of this I spent way too long trying to debug my OnTriggerEnter function because I kept getting a big scary red error in the console when I would pick up the object, only to eventually figure out the error was coming from my world controller script, because I deactivate collectibles in the alternate worlds so you can only pick them up in the base one. So a quick check to see if the object is null in there and everything was fine.
Also today I spent too much good dev time playing Celeste. Whoops. Those B-Sides are hard.