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Just to let you know there seems to be something wrong with the package of the Mac version: when extracting it, what should be the content of the .app is unpacked in a standard folder. I tried running the application in the terminal, which works to a point, where it stops working (I suspect it might be looking for ressources and not find them if launched that way).


Which version of OSX are you using? I'm going to try to push out another build on Monday. so will see if I can resolve it for you then.

I am using OS X 10.11.6.

One other thing you can try is running it using the client that can be downloaded here:

(1 edit)

Reporting that launching it through the client indeed worked!

Edit: I'll add some comments. First, it was a pleasant surprise to find a little tutorial: didn't expect that for a first release!

I have only 3 little comments so far :

- it may be my screen, but the stars of the skills in the stat tree are barely visible.
- I am playing on a laptop, and the framerate isn't locked, which leads to noisy and perceptible overheating, especially on the intermission screen. I know this isn't probably high priority right now, but just throwing that in.

I need to get more comfortable with the interface, but besides knowing what ammo or health was left on my guys, it was all very intuitive, and the iconography at the bottom is great. Also hurray for the reverse camera pan option: that was disorienting for me at first ;D Really looking forward to your game!