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Thanks for playing . 

So this is taking place deep in underwater sea vents. I have written that part. Maybe its not so obvious with so much happening. I should have added a pause before jumping right into gameplay now that I think about it. 

So not in RNA. We are trying to form RNA using the nucleo bases (rectangles) . So basically unstable volcanoes under the water. And that's the reason why the rectangles are being shot up. So I was thinking it must be dangerous for something to be that deep in underwater sea vents. A little rock could possibly deform and deep sea pressure would annihilate them. Since I have used rocks in earlier levels. Maybe this time I thought I will just have some gaseous bubbles or something. Probably rocks would do better. Hehe. 

Once again, Thanks for the feedback. Appreciated 

I was just being overly critical about the bubbles as a joke. I hope it didn't come across as jerkish. That being said, since you said you did a lot research for this game I'd find it very interesting to see some text talking about what's going between levels.


It didn't come  jerkish at all. I know its good humour. Don't worry about it.  ;D