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It's update time! These past days I worked on the power ups.

The first one is the knife:

YES, this is a GIANT KNIFE. With it you shall DRINK THE TASTY BLOOD OF YOUR WATERMELONS ENEMIES. Once you get this power up, a lock icon will appear so you can choose a near-by target. Once activated a giant knife will spawn and if you're lucky enough it will slice the melon in 2.

The second power up is the shockwave:

It can be a really powerful attack if you use it correctly. In the gif above, you can see me using it on 3 running AI. They fall down the path and will respawn soon afterward at the last checkpoint.
The power up are earned via various crates available on the track. Here is a screen of it in Blender:

Breaking them will randomly give you a power up. The icon in the top right will show you wich one (for now it's just a square of color).

I also wanted to fix the dead camera angles. For that I came up with a see-through effect. I had to reiterate on it a few times before getting something good enough and useful. Here you can see the result:

Now I need to refine the powerups, add their icons, make the AI use them and modelize the checkpoints. I'm getting close to a playable version of the game. There are still many things to work on though. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it :)