I had intended to review this, like, a week ago but family stuff came up and yadda yadda. Anyways, better late than never, not even sure why I decided to inject my personal life into this but I don't believe in editing so let's go.
This game's a great follow-up to TToTGS's story, and I feel the improvements show a growth in the author that is very promising for future works. Although this tale is shorter, and contains slightly less variety on repeat playthroughs from what I could tell, the writing has broadly improved in my opinion and the three main characters work quite well with how their personalities interact. I also feel that keeping the story confined to one location meant that while there were less characters than in the prior game, more depth and character was given to the characters we did interact with. All three endings, and the variations on them, proved very enjoyable. I particularly liked how the characters' expressions on the title screen changed to reflect the most recent ending.
Tabby's a great addition to the cast, and the fact that she's more emotionally intelligent than the other two characters (and frankly, me) allows her to provide some interesting insight into Trixie and Nikita's relationship. The tone of the game is also well kept, with dark comedy highlighting the more genuinely scary moments. I think that in total the previous game was scarier, but this one was more funny and emotional - overall I would call it a great improvement and the tone shift is really rather slight.
The length of this post is approaching dangerously rambly territory, so to conclude I'll say that this was a great game and I strongly recommend it to anyone who finds it interesting, and especially anyone who enjoyed its predecessor.
P.S. I nearly forgot, but the art has improved as well in my opinion, not that it was lacking in the previous game! The music continues to be outstanding! Trans representation is wonderful! I have too many opinions about this game for my own well-being! That's all for real now. Thanks if anyone actually read this whole nonsense mess.