Game Over with 2:11 left, cleared 7 rooms.
Not bad, a very solid dungeon game.
I can see a lot of systems went into this game, including player and enemy's health systems, stun, invincibility timers, and very solid graphics and such.
One improvement is that sometimes i cannot attack while some other times i can.
I think you have disabled attacking when player is damaged? I don't mind it, but it would be nice to have communicated it better, for example, by hiding the weapon when being hit, and only show the weapon when the player is allowed to attack.
The difficulty curve is also ok. There are enough health pickups to feel challenging. The weapon swing is fair to play, with enough penalty if swung aimlessly, but wide enough to actually hit things.
Very nice diversity of enemies. Each are very distinguishable.
Overall, very nice game with a little bit of "The Binding of Isaac" vibe. Keep on.