TL:DR An extremely solid demo worth the 45 minutes and the 5 Gb.
Now onto the main event, The Good The Bad and The Doctor.
The Good.
Almost all the interactions with Mr Bits and the subtle clues towards his existence (before he reveals himself) are just creepy enough to keep the player on their toes. Teleporting the player inbetween blinks and forcing the player to interact with what I can only assume is a demon creates a strong feeling of tension.
The House design was interesting, twists and turns, doorways where you'd think it would be dead ends, doors catching in places that they shouldn't due to the overall design being just a little off in places works great from a story telling stand point.
The story has me genuinly interested even if it is a little pretentious in places.
The Bad.
Okay straight up the way the player is forced to intereact with objects just sometimes doesn't work, typically in horror gaes you want, left mouse click for picking up items and right mouse click for opening doors. Instead when it came to picking up notes and tapes I found myself mashing both buttons hoping eventually I would pick it up.
I can appreiciate that rather than just have a usual bright flash light in a suburban home you'd have a lighter, ups the spooky factor and all that. However if you want the player to be able to read all the world building and notes you may want to decrease the general les flare on it, as it makes reading notes, especially books, extremely difficult.
Finally the key management system and by extenstion note management system needs a bit of an overall, generally in horror games short notes and plot developing items go straight into player inventory and keys are auto matically used without needing to be selected. With a large portions of the notes in the game being just notes that have no bearing on the story or books that seem to exist as an inside joke that cannot be picked up leaves the game feeling a bit unnimersive. Maybe overhauling the inventory system so that it can automatically sort and select keys for you and also contain the various drawings in the game and notes in subcatagories to satisfy my need to collect every scrap of lore possible.
I won't ention the fps issues as it seems the new patch has fixed most of them so ignore that in the video.
The Doctor.
You were stunning and you know what? So was I.