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It was definitely a stretch getting this project ready, we HEAVILY overscoped, and some unhealth crunch was a necessity here. Super glad you liked it, we had a ton of fun making the art assets and getting the general vibe correct, atmosphere was definitely a priority here.

Regarding the gameplay, your brother (Lucas) have a timer of 2 minutes where, if you stay away from camp for that long, you lose the game. So, if you come back and check on him, the timer resets, and you can keep looking for your friends. Lucas was suposed to say when the timer is reset, but we couldn't get this bug fixed among the other more game breaking, kinda sad that this mechanic ended up being counter-intuitive.

As always, thank you for your feedback!

Sucks that you couldn't get that bug fixed as that feedback would have really helped me figure out how to win but that's how jams are I guess haha. Looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with next :)