Great game! I'm surprised I missed this one during the jam. Its a cool concept and the execution is near perfect. as far as feedback goes its lacking the very fine details of polish like scene transition and music but I assume you already know that. as far as gameplay goes its super fun, if you're playing it in a fast paced run-and-gun kind of way. however on most of the beginning levels I found it easier (though less fun) to just push the balls around instead of hitting them and ignore the skulls altogether. I thought it was going to be an issue the whole game but the introduction of the bounce pads made it impossible to continue with that strategy. so long story short, make sure to be incentivizing the kind of gameplay you want the players to have (I assume you want faced paced like I mentioned earlier) and not to "optimize the fun out of it" as the saying goes. also the juice on this game is fantastic. just moving around and hitting stuff feels amazing which is an A+ in my book. Best of luck :)