I'm glad you're enjoying it! To get the player character to sit/sleep I made an event on the tile I want them to interact with. The condition for the event is either "Player Touch" or "Confirm Button" depending on what I want to player to do. When interacted with, the event triggers a "Move Route" (Found under "Event Control" in the Command Insert Window) that moves the player character. Be sure to select "Hero" instead of "This Event" in the drop-down menu of the Character Move Route and to have the "Wait Until Done" box checked so the player can't control the character in the middle of the route. To get the character in the sitting position, I used the Party Graphics command to switch the player to a sitting spritesheet in between Move Routes.
Hope that makes sense. It sucks there aren't a lot of resources for Wolf RPG Editor since I find it a lot more accommodating graphics-wise than RPG Maker (Which I am also learning.) If there's something you can't figure out in Wolf, it might help to look up an RPG Maker guide on it and then see if Wolf has an equivalent feature. That's how I figured out most of what I know.