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I'm on Linux Mint 19.2 and after I select a language the game goes black and does not progress. I ran it in a terminal and got the following output:

function AutotileExpander(){}function GSAutotileExpanderDrawImage(t,e,i,r,o,s,n,a,h,l){var u=GSAutotileExpanderDrawImage.sourceOriginX,c=GSAutotileExpanderDrawImage.sourceOriginY,d=GSAutotileExpanderDrawImage.originX,p=GSAutotileExpanderDrawImage.originY;t.drawImage(e.image,u+n,c+a,h-n,l-a,d+i,p+r,h-n,l-a)}function GSAutotileExpanderDrawLeftTopSmall(t,e,i,r){GSAutotileExpanderDrawImage(i,r,t,e,t+Math.floor(Math.floor(tw/2)),e+Math.floor(th/2),0,th,Math.floor(tw/2),th+Math.floor(th/2))}function GSAutotileExpanderDrawRightTopSmall(t,e,i,r){var o=2*tw+Math.floor(tw/2),s=th,n=o+Math.floor(tw/2),a=s+Math.floor(th/2);GSAutotileExpanderDrawImage(i,r,t,e,t+Math.floor(tw/2),e+Math.floor(th/2),o,s,n,a)}function GSAutotileExpanderDrawLeftBottomSmall(t,e,i,r){var o=3*th+Math.floor(th/2),s=0+Math.floor(tw/2),n=o+Math.floor(th/2);GSAutotileExpanderDrawImage(i,r,t,e,t+Math.floor(tw/2),e+Math.floor(th/2),0,o,s,n)}function GSAutotileExpanderDrawRightBottom

TypeError: Failed to set the 'buffer' property on 'AudioBufferSourceNode': The provided value is not of type 'AudioBuffer'.
    at (chrome-extension://ioalcooaennldalinlimlojkblkjholm/data/ENGINE.js:1:43028)
    at (Main_107.js:3590:18)
    at AudioManager.playMusic (Main_107.js:3924:28)
    at Object.Component_CommandInterpreter.commandPlayMusic [as execute] (Main_107.js:20454:32)
    at Component_CommandInterpreter.executeCommand (Main_107.js:14979:26)
    at Component_CommandInterpreter.update (Main_107.js:14504:16)
    at Object_Scene.Object_Base.update (Main_107.js:32671:21)
    at SceneManager.ObjectManager.update (Main_107.js:1201:18)
    at SceneManager.update (Main_107.js:2419:44)
    at Main.updateFrame (Main_107.js:44663:18)
    at Main_107.js:44987:24
    at i (chrome-extension://ioalcooaennldalinlimlojkblkjholm/data/ENGINE.js:1:80963)


Hello! I'm so sorry you're suffering from this mistake. Thank you very much for communicating your mistake. I recently developed a little video game to check out where this guy's mistakes come from. Could you try playing this test game?

This is a restricted game for bug detection only, so you need this password to use it: Demo game

Thank you very much in advance and sorry for the inconvenience

The test game seems to run fine. 

Hi! since you wrote me I've been informing myself about this bug and apparently the engine that uses this game "Visual novel Maker" only has support for Linux Ubuntu. However if you say that you didn't experience problems with the test game it means that I can try to fix the bug that seems to be sound related.

If you look again at the test game page you will see that I have now added a 4 file for you called "Crush Crisis without sound". It's a more modern version of the game but with no sound. If you could download it and test if the game works it would be very helpful.

By the way, do you use the application? Installing an application from this app has solved some bugs.

Thank you very much for your patience

I tried out the "Crush Crisis without sound" and it encountered the same error as before.

I also tried to install the game through Itch's app on linux as you suggested but sadly that produced the same error as well.

As for the Linux Ubuntu support only it might be worth noting that Linux Mint is a variant of Ubuntu. Specifically Linux Mint 19.2 (the version I am running) is based off of Ubuntu 18.04 which should be recent enough to not be an issue. 

Thank you for taking the time to help me fix this issue, I appreciate it.

I'm very sorry you haven't been able to test the beta. I didn't know what "Mint" was, thanks for telling me and again thanks to you for the patience and time you spent trying to play.
