Either come out to the truth
Or act really clueless how crap works ;w;
Cause I got nothin else ;-;
Sorreh ;_;
ish okay
yey :>
hey Kat! uummm, sorry my idea didn't worked ;^; does she believe you now?
I haven't talked to steve in days
Pls send help
Im going to die
why tho?
you are a good person!
because leaving Steve on read after randomly unfriending her is honestly not the nicest thing in the world
Im an asshole
but, you should have a reason to, right? i don't think anyone would do it for no reason!
besides, through what i saw, you are honestly awesome!
i DID have a reason
She's toxic af and i need to distance myself from Her
And thank you
You're awesome too
then, you are not an asshole, you did the right thing!
and thank you, that is very kind of you!
see. But i didn't tell her that
It just seems like i did it for no reason to HER
Your welcome