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Hey Mr.Warfare and everyone,

Sorry for the wait. 

Since graduation there has been alot of non game work to do, like starting the company and getting  paper work ready with lawyers and PlayStation. I'm working very hard on getting the update out in time while also trying to get all things straight with the new company. I started posting on twitter as I work on the update. I want the update to be really huge so that players that already have found everything have new and substantial content and fixes. 

You can see some progress by following @muifwego on twitter or @rafiemilio. I pretty much work on it all day and I'll post more often if anyone is interested.

Thanks for the patience and support, if you or anyone that have been waiting have a personal suggestion I can add I'd love to add something in. Maybe a personal little easter egg or something.

Thanks again for waiting, I know the frustration I'm trying my best to do everything as fast as possible,
