Hey man! Reached 31 on hard+
Good job, I enjoy the core of the game. It's nothing revolutionary, but it gave me a good time :)
A few things I like to mention:
First: It's a bit weird, that you lose when you move your cup into a raindrop, because normally it would not go into the cup if you know what I mean. Maybe just make the collider for it on top of the cup or something.
Second: I think the sound of rain would enhance the experience greatly! But I don't blame you, I have no sound in my project too ^^
Third: I don't know how spilling works in your game and I think it would be good to provide the player with some kind of feedback how close he is/was to spill his coffee.
Forth: I would highly appreciate if you test out my little game https://yapsinho.itch.io/the-perfect-coffee