I'm stuck and can't find any answers to continue a couple quests.
How do I free Cassie from the Don? I heard that supposedly you can talk to Sammy, Arlene (Or something like that), Fawn, and Hobos to help with it. I already talked to Fawn about it it seems. I've talked to all the people (as far as I can tell) in both lower ark and none of the hobos have any relevant option. I gave a pair of hobos some money and another one some fish hoping that'd help but I still don't have any other options. Every time I talk to Arlene there is nothing to say to her at all, just leave. I've completed Sammy's quest but she doesn't have a relevant option either. At least as far as I know I have, since her quest is greyed out in the logbook. I can't for the life of me find any way to continue.
For the dream wish quest I have no clue who to talk to. Someone referenced talking to Winnie but she doesn't have a relevant option. I've completed both her quest and the manor quest so I should be far enough and have also gone on a date with her. I thought pixie might have something but she has no mention either.
How in the world do I do Marin's quest? Every time I try it Pixie always catches me and I can't talk to her about it. I can't find even the slightest hint to it.
What's up with the plant in the forest? I have no clue what to do, just that I 'need to learn how to deal with it.' Is it even implemented yet?
There's all those things above, hinting at several more things to do, but I'm super stuck. I kinda like how the game isn't simply like 'go here do thing' but it really should have more hints in my opinion. There's too often too many places to look when something happens for it to be reasonable.