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Does it not copy the Hocus from think it is sure, don't it?And I want to say it is a simple and bad work.

(2 edits) (+1)


Two games using the same idea (Based on M.C. Escher impossible shapes) but different (it's simple shapes). Also please read the description of THE IMPOSSIBLE. There is 1000 games like Hocus. Before Hocus, there were a lot of games of this type.

There are 7.594 billion people in the world (I don't know how many developers but probably millions :D), what I want to say: put name of the game and someone will find another similar game for example puzz loop 1998 vs zuma 2003

Last time I created "Escape room" and later Sony released this movie "Escape room:


May you gives some examples? It can protect yourself and let more people to get it at the same time. My opinion is simple and bad because of the starting of your game don't displays the difference.

No problem :D. Send message to me and I will send you the key. Unfortunately, I don't want to show it all, but I think if you watched the video to the end, you would see the main difference...

Please don't understant me wrong, but I don't have a time to searching Internet (some players waiting for updates). Also, the coronavirus has delayed many things... Airem is on person studio I also working on other projects and unfortunately many games either don't exist or are hard to find today, so you have to find them yourself if that interests you:

my quick finds:

It could all start here: --> and "Impossible shapes". Anyone could see it and make a game. 

We also have other games.


I think if you take the time you will find more of it. Hocus contains many levels. Perhaps maybe we will find similar work before Hocus on the Internet? I found some old works like (levels 1:1) from 1999 or 2005. If you've got any questions, feel free to contact me.


Nothing is make sense. The original one is the best. Others is accessories only. You will be successful on career unless you get a new idea on these old works and take it into your game. This following is as like as trades but the best is only ones.

Nothing is impossible :D.


Don't listen to this clown, they have no clue what they're talking about. This game is wonderful and definitely has potential :)

I always talk to the players (it's hard because Airem is one person), but I like to hear opinion, criticism etc., my games are for You. I implement my old ideas. There will be IMPOSSIBLE 2. Because that's just the beginning and it will surprise everyone. But thank You. 

This game is an outright clone of hocus. There is no originality whatsoever in this game. It’s Impossible to respect devs who do this.

(2 edits)

"Semblock" - Illusion Based Puzzle Game from 2013/2014:

Maybe you will play some day and see the differences :D.