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I'm gonna agree with the other commenters that the concept of this game is really good! It's not the prettiest game, but I can tell a lot of thought went into how you set up those grappling points to give the player different options of how to scale the wall while being a challenge. 

I also agree with a previous comment that it could've used a little more momentum on the upswing when letting go. I was expecting to be able to reach some of these points, only to find myself falling into a lava pit. And it's pretty darn hard to latch onto a grappling point when you're falling! You start to get frantic too when you can't seem to latch onto one, so when you finally do, you've let go because you just keep clicking desperately.

I think it'd be nice to have some sort of indicator as to when you can or cannot grapple onto a point. It was really hard to discern just what the acceptable distance was to actually get it to activate, especially when the game screen is small. My mind wanted it to be that any point in my line of view could be grappled (with farther ones taking a longer time to set up); but even having a line that shows the grapple's trajectory and lights up green when you can grapple would be super helpful. If you're worried about it being too easy at that point, I think you've got that covered with enemies you can shoot throughout the level.

Overall, a really good game for such a short period of development! It just needs some tweaks, and then you have a really solid gameplay experience here! 😊