Hey guys!
I just completed a nice feature: Configurable controls. I added a menu for them, which was a lot easier than I thought it would be (the whole menu took about 2 and a half hours).
To change a control, you simply click on it, then press the button you'd like to set it to. You can use any key on the keyboard, even ones such as the Windows home button (though this is advised against).
Also... did you notice? I got a new screen recorder! This means I'll probably add gifs to the page and maybe even make a trailer. This also means that my screenshots and gifs will have much better quality.
The reason for this is that I got a new computer. This one is faster and more powerful than my old one from 2011 : ) And now I have more free time. so OCOA should be ready for me to test soon! Then I can start on LangGen Pro.
Okay, so I know that was short, so here I'm gonna tell you what I'm doing next.
I really want this interactive tutorial done, so that's my next goal. The ideal situation would be that the tutorial takes me a week.
After that, I'll likely begin to implement user settings, and when that's done, the ability to sell what you've collected.
Finally, I'll probably do free gifts. I'm still wondering if I should add this feature; I watched a video on how the psychology of free gifts works, and I don't really like the thinking behind it (for info on that, look up "Skinner box techniques").
Thanks for reading, and congratulations to all who graduated recently!