I will share the Kickstarter start on our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Reddit), our mailing list and as a devlog here on itch.io. If you received notifications for our devlogs every month (except this July) via any of these channels, you should be good. You can always save the date in your calendar if you want to. We'll launch on September 23rd.
To avoid the game crashing, I have two suggestions:
-Before saving a game, check whether every airliner in your fleet has a video setting set.
-Avoid making the game recalculate filling degrees short after each other. So avoid these actions: starting multiple routes (with many flights) at the same time, or a single route after: season change, IFS change, seating config change. I suggest to let the game pass a day or two before taking the next action. This is a multithreading issue. It should not come back in NG as Unity handles multithreading a bit different.