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So I just checked out the game and i think that you're doing really good and as this is supposed to be a play testing circle i thought i would send the link to my game, its called Back To Spawn.

Back To Spawn

wow! I think this is a great 3D game. It's obviously short but you still have plenty of days to add more levels. (I shouldn't be the one to talk xD)

I particularly like how the controls feel, and how easy it is to move in the world. 

Btw, Is the name a play on something? It reminds me of a song called "Back At One" (google it if you want).

As for improvements, I'd say the instructions are not 100% clear and I do not know what "Controlles" means. I'd try to rephrase your text or make clearer.

And as usual, you can always add more levels :D


So, thanks for the feedback, no it is not a play on anything my original idea was that you teleported back to spawn (hence the name) but i realised mid-way that that didn't fit the theme so i changed it to this, i'm trying to think of a better word for "controlles" but its a bit difficult and finnally im already thinking up of new level ideas for tommorrow (if i dont sleep through the enteirity of tommorrow, its getting pretty late for me); 


So, thats not a sad winking face, ive just written so much code that im really used to putting a semmicolon at the end of each line;

Maybe just "Tip", or "Hint".