so I had another thought on this topic.
Was playing CK2 (crusader kings 2 by paradox), and had something Click when I was looking at my guys character sheet.
I don't know how to get an image to show with the text so here's the link
- The numbers in the red box are your character's stats
- your characters Base value in each category (hard number, never changes)
- The effects of your character's Traits (blue box)
- the Effects of your character's Focus (lime green box)
- the results of your characters ambitions
- The numbers in the yellow box are your country's stats
- your character's stats
- you significant others stats
- you advisers stat in that field (diplo advisers diplo stat is taken but not his Martial stat, Martial advisors stat is taken but not his diplo stat
- Blue/indigo box is your character's traits
- given through events (you fall off your horse you become injured, or choose and option when dealing with criminals that is considered just you gain the just trait) this trait can be lost or changed
- or given upon birth (your family line has a "DNA" type that has Quick trait, giving a increase to the char. stats) these traits can not be lost
- these add soft numbers to the base stats of the character (stat is lost when the trait is lost)
- purple circle is the character's education
- This trait is like the others, But is an educational trait that can increase or decrease or stay the same based on the actions done by the character (Martial education can be scaled up by leading in a lot of battles)
- green box is the character's ambition
- This is a goal to meet like amass wealth, where once the character has 500 gold they get a +1 hard number to there base Stewardship (red box)
- the poorly colored lime green box is the character's focus.
- this is 10 options (2 for each stat type), one of which you can pick.
- it gives a hard point to the character's base stat (war gives +3 to Martial) (it can give an ability to do an action like Duel. With Scholarship it does not give an ability)
- or a reduced amount of stat hard numbers and a different stat to the character (hunting gives +2 martial and +1 health)