Hello Eran Aviram!
The intro had me in buckled in before I started... some thoughts and comments headed your way in 5, 4, 3, 2...
1. Must be said again, GREAT OPENING LINE! You managed to evoke a ton of tone and setting from a phrase we are all immediately familiar with.
2. The main story / headline generator is a lot of fun. One thing, I wish that the co-anchors were a bit more involved. Maybe have the co-anchors take the parts of relevant audio clips / the on the screen video clips. Seems like they might be sitting around for their turn...
3. Ok yes! All of the other sections are a lot more back and forth. Nice, nice, nice.
4. I would love a jingle generator haha.
5. The structure of After We Come Back - Commercial Brake - Welcome Back is well done. It allows the Anchor and VIP a moment to think about how to structure the next segment. One thought, perhaps all the roles should be planned out before the show starts? Maybe it could be a suggestion for groups that aren't as good with improv yet?
Overall, this is great. I could totally see running this with an improv group that perhaps did not have the most experience to teach those skills. Very nice job.