Janus: *FINE! i may or may not or may use pet care products on my tail the same way you would use conditioner on your hair and all that*
Evil lilly: -:> dat sounds kinda normal if you about it-
Evil lilly: -well he is part snake-
Janus: *yeah so shut tf up*
also HeR/SHe
i use le genderswapped Sides
mY bAD
<>w<> kay
Evil lilly: -comfeh- :>
ish gud
Janus: *glad you like it...i guess*
Evil lilly: -:>-
JanusL :}?
Evil lilly: -idk-
Janus: *kay then*
Allison: -poking ann over and over-
Ann: -_- -annoyed af-
Evil lilly: -._.-