I'm using 7zip, and that's actually what I've been doing so far - sorta. Going into the folder and extracting it was me trying to figure ut what the issue was. And while I wasn't explicitly clicking 'Extract Here,' I wasn't changing the destination folder - in this case Downloads - until after it began having issues and I was redoing it to try and figure out what the issue was. Anyways, I went and specifically hit Extract Here, and in the unzipped folder, the application was there - and clicking it caused my computer's security to strike down upon it. Delete the folder, try again, get told 'This app can't run on you PC. To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher.' And now I need administrative permissions to delete the unzipped folder - despite being the administrator - and trying to unzip it again tells me 'Can not output file : Access is denied : C:\Users\(My Name)\Downloads\Pokémon Uncensored Edition\Game.exe'
Google how to fix the administration part (you probably have to do cmd things but don't take my word for it).
I did that once and it took me 15-20 mins to fix it.
When you ARE able to mess with it again, move the folder to a different folder (I move mine to a game folder you can also just make one on your desktop), do NOT open the zipped folder, you don't have to select the files one by one, just simply right click and extract all. It probably thought you were trying to open it while it was in the zipped folder. You don't have to open to folder to extract. You just click it once to select, and right click. It'll give you a list of options and it should say around the top: extract here. It'll just make another folder with all the files in it.
So I'm assuming the game is downloaded and ready to play! Make a shortcut on your desktop (is easier for the next part). Right click and go to properties (I'm sure it's properties I'm on my phone right now). There should be an option under one of the tabs that allows you to choose a compatibility mode. Like: compatible with windows 8 or compatible with windows xP . It allows you to change it so the file will run thinking it's on that windows system. I hope that helps!
So, I see what the issue is. I download the game, unzip it, and when I open up the unzipped folder - or if I wait long enough without opening it anyways - the security on my laptop will say the Game Application is a malicious and delete it. I'm assuming the only work around for this is to remove or temporarily turn off the security on my computer - neither of which sounds very appealing to me for obvious reasons. It's weird, because it allows me to download ROMS, emulators, and even other ROM hacks, but this is the first time I've hit this issue.