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The idea was really nice! and the interpretation of the theme was very creative! Great job for your first jam! A couple things to improve on, even though time is short during a jam, a big box of text is not the greatest tutorial, next time I would make a playable tutorial a priority, as it was hard for me to understand the game by looking at a (tiny) box of text. Next, (this is me being picky) add some more juice to the game, like if you click on the correct building then spawn some particles. Finally, I personally didn't feel the combination of pixel art and the fungus visual novel stuff, personally I would just do one or the other (I think pixel art). Saying that, picking only one may slow down development (I'm not completely sure as I've never used fungus and I'm not sure how quick you can create things with it.) so you may want to continue with this strategy, I don't know, that's just my personal opinion. It was something I'd never seen before, so props to you for trying something new. Really great job! I hope you enjoyed your first jam,  here' s my game, feel free to rate