(I just discover i wright in french. fail in copy past with google trad XD)
A bug about shield:
1-Version 0.0731 - sand box
2- When you make the shield, the parts of the shield dont become on entity. That can do a hit box bug if you keep a part on your hand (right click). Also, shields will be fly until you brock them on the anvil. (It's funny to see :D) The hand grip cannot be take, but it is not on the shield.
2bis- The shield doesn't assembly like shild: You can't just touch each other. You need the right position, in the right angle, in the right side.
Edit: The Enarme doesn't permit to move the shields. Same with the shield boss who fall of my tower shield (Marf!)
3- After made 3 shield (on incomplet, 2 complete but don't claim to be a complet shield, like sword or hammer), i can't do this bug anymore.
4- For the first time (?) Stay right clik input when you place a element on the shield.
Edit bis: 2ter- I have put a second head on the axe. Yes, my axe have 3 head: Normal head (single axe head) and the dual blade head. That work with the hand gard.
3ter- http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/23/6/1497126222-triple-hache-1.png
4ter- Put a head on the axe already finished.
5-Mother board: Rampage V Extreme ASUS
Intel i7 6heart 3300Mhz
Graphic board:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
8Gbit ram.