Can i ask something ? I have a bad ending for lizards story line so can i see the Rhot again ? If i can please tell me how to do it thanks
Ah one more quest: do we have a way to take Rhot to our prison ? If it have plese tell me thanks ( again)
How to capture enemies? | Use a proper lure (Reptile's Lure for lizards, Rodent's Lure for wererat). If the tamable status have more than 110 turns that should be 100% chance to capture the enemy after finishing the fight. - Beast are tamed (Usually you need enough space for animals at home and stables build) - Enemies can be put in prison (If the prison is build) |
Well, this is the way the guide explains how to capture an enemy but there is also another way to be 100% affectionate with lizards so you will only have to use a reptile lure with it. (In the worst case, seduce him until he almost fills the bar and give him 5 reptile lures that it is almost impossible for him to fail.)