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Mkay so I have not yet finished all the routes but I'm posting a comment anyways because I AM HAVING FEELINGS SO


Like a few people have said this game wasn't big on my radar, although I have been keeping an eye out for it. Now that it's actually out I'm blown away. The characters are so enjoyable and heartfelt, the drama is nearly impeccable, and the story is engaging and beautifully illustrated. I've fallen in love with the romancable characters in a way that only the best VNs can provide. 

So far I've played through Rod, Karma, Rumple, and am almost done doing Fritz. The routes have been wonderful for the most part, but I do have some complaints. (HERE COME THE SPOILERS) Some of them are personal preference (character death makes me sad and I wish certain good ends were less bittersweet) and some of them are not. I was pretty disappointed with certain story choices like having more Varg than Fritz in Fritz's route and then making the three way romance turn out as yet another love triangle instead of what would have been a very satisfying polyship. I feel as if there's a bit of an issue with this game of causing us to fall in love with characters and their stories and then not letting us see them be happy or have much presence in other routes. I get that this is typical of otome, especially with the love interests, but I at least wish we could see a little nod to our emotional investments in them paying off.

Still, as I said this is an amazing game, and I'm hardly going to stop loving it because of this. I can't wait to play more, and see what games Dicesuki will create in the future!