Well, it's too slow. Even ignoring all the initialisation and level builds the time between turns is best measured in eons. I'm sure there's a couple of optimisations I could do but nothing that's going to make this playable within the rules and time frame of the Jam. If anyone is interested I've put the code on github, only as a warning for what not to do :)
Yeah, that's really odd. Although the .bas file when raw from github works fine for me... github and BASin not getting along for some reason? Anyway, https://raw.githubusercontent.... seems to work.
As for the snapshot, I have no idea what's occurring there. I just saved the .z80 from BASin and it seems fine here. Unless github is breaking binary files now too :/
Here's a .sna directly from Fuse. http://www.int13h.com/download...
It is turn based. There's a little indicator in the bottom right of the screen that rotates to show the machine is "thinking". The main loop waits on a key input before progressing. This should be handled by the pause 0 at line 530. Mashing the keys probably wouldn't result in a good experience.
For me the issue is with the amount of entities that can be on a level and the amount of time it takes to process their moves. With a packed level it can be between 20 to 30 seconds between turns.