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Tried to load the game in Firefox and Chrome, but could not get bast the loading bar. 😔 Will leave a rating if I can get it to load. ❤

See this in the console:

Uncaught SyntaxError: illegal characterTreasure hunter.framework.js.gz:1
Uncaught ReferenceError: unityFramework is not defined    onload hunter/Build/Treasure hunter.loader.js:1


how do fix these i am a unity noob i am 12 and just started unity 5 months ago if you can tell me how to fix these i would love it 


nice and keep on going I too am a noob😎👍👍

i really liked your game i rated it! i wish you could play mine

never mind just fixed it problem is cant submit again at least i know my game works if you are still interested in playing tell me i will send the link