Janus: *angry hissing.....you could say that shes having a.....hissy fit*
Evil lilly: sorry tho :> -lol-
Janus: okay, i ssssssort of forgive you i guessssssss
sorry I needed to take a shower
Evil lilly: so what now <>w<>
its ok
Janus: how am i ssssupossssed to know?
Evil lilly: I dont know ._.
Janus: and thissss isssss why i dont take care of kidsssss
Evil lilly: -kinda took offense to that- it's not our fault we are kids -_-
Janus: yeah well it issssss your fault that you are annoying and bratty and........oh ssssssshit......
Evil lilly: I get that alot :P . . ?