Movement feels very meh and some of the jumps are really obnoxious, sliding can be really awkward and combat has just enough "juice" to feel good but past that the actual combat is very unsatisfying. It feels like you spent a lot of time on polishing the visual design but there's unsatisfying combat, movement issues, an overly hard first jump, and it just feels like you copy and pasted an outdated version of karlson's movement and ragdoll code that you already had and changed the weapon asset.
Sliding sometimes goes at random angles too and feels clumsy. There's placeholder texts, NaNs, timer that doesn't format itself to the right decimal places.
The rewinding of the game is honestly just frustrating, you may as well be killing the player when they get a powerup and respawning them. It might have been better to make it a plot element or something instead of just ham fisting rewinding into a design for a game you already made and just re mapped for the jam where rewinding didn't really fit in.
It feels very impressive and polished at first, but the experience unwinds as you go.
This is just a game you made over several months (Karlson) with a different level.