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The idea is good, but the controls are too frustrating, you should try to get every collider from the chain that follows the player and uses Physics2D ignore collisions to improve the controls. 

I feel the problem is that you didnt want to give infinite jumps to the player with their own tape, and thus when you check the ground to see if the player can Jump, if the players tape is in the way it wont work.

Thanks for the feedback. I know the controls are are frustrating, but not sure what you mean with the physics 2D. The rope doesn't collide with the player,  the only reason jumping or moving would be difficult is if you haven't extruded enough tape.  when making the game I was faced with the decision to either use transformations for tighter controls and sacrifice function of the tape physics (glitching through objects, tape pulling apart etc.) or use rigid body forces for movement with less precision but more agreeable with the tape physics.

I thought the player collided with the tape because I noticed when I jumped and the tape was vertical that I couldn't do it (and the player was slightly off the ground)

I don't know how you programmed the jump button. If you used RayCast, or Physics2D overlapCircle to check for the ground remember to add a LayerMask so they only Collide with the ground and not the Tape, and maybe increase the distance a little bit (to the length of one or two tape parts) so that is a little more forgiving