???: ^w^' -mother -blep- I knew this job was the death of me-
Janus: now jusssst exlain the REAL reasssson you want the kid and you wont be bitten
lilly: ?? -peeking over the side of the couch-
???: 'course ma'am -you could tell he's sarcastically useing the accent he did before- -he reached behind him and apparentlymhe had a walkie talkie- gonna need back up
srry no
Janus: *shamshes the walkie talkie without trying**so therefore the signal died out ebfore anyone could track where he was*
Janus: *evil chuckle8 *ties your hands together and ties your feet to a chair* now, what to turn you into? a ssssnake? a rabbit, maybe a mix of both
???: -yep I was right I'm ded-
Lilly: what happen??
Is ok
Janus:......you know you wouldnt be if you hadnt tried to take my kid away........i think ill sssssettle on ssssome sssssssort of hybrid
so she's not not going to containment? ._.
???: ._.
Lilly::> -just kinda watching confused-
naw Janus couldnt resist having a new test subject'unless.....
they got 4expert hackers witch i think they have to hack the radio feed on the walkie talkie to figure out its last locaion and sends some dudes there
Janus: *proceeds to slowly create a horrifying but also useless nightmare creature*
-insert that happening-
Lilly: -im so confused-
but how powered up are le dudes?
like 1/5 how powerful?
Janus: *can smell them from miles away* crep *shapeshifts into female Remy/Sleep form le vines*
did you get this?