Super fun game! Any chance this'll open up for modding? Some ideas:
- 1-tile decorative flowers; 1-tile straw path (decorative/slower road)
- Killed animals leave bones behind, causing more skeletons
- Healer's tent to wake up downed villagers faster (might use bones)
- Villagers age (white hair) and die, respawning as a child
- Traveler commemorative statue (decorative or could lead to:)
- Traveler returns in Stonehenge or Nazca Lines quests
- Allow starting small hay shed to be destroyed (or built—less good)
- Stone wall and guard tower (just for late-game aesthetic upgrade)
- re-skin buildings for other early civs (Native American, Chinese)
- Allow food dropoff at Pantry (rather than only the town hall)
- Traps that can be built to harm anything that walks over them
- Fishing Wharf, or Animal Barn (needs fences) with a Butcher's Shop
- River and buildable Bridges; maybe can even send logs down river!