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(Oh alright,Well cya!)


" well how could i turn down such an AMAZING deal" she says, her vioce dripping with sarcasam

and then you notice: this whole time her eyes have been icy blue instead of their usual emerald green

"W-what are you planning to do?!" *The clown leans forward as trying to break the ropes*

" oh nothing special, didnt really have a plan actualy, just wanted some fun" she says, still with that same sadistic smile on her face

she then puches you back "now now, we dont want my little play thing to excape do we? no no, not untill ive had my fun"

*The Clown jumped back with pain* "AGH!...My Children are gonna find me and help me...I am not your play thing,you thot..." *Slants over again*

" meh, whatever, no one cares about us, no one cares if youre broken, no one cares if im a thot or if youre not my play thing, we all feel the sweet release of death someday, why not hasten the inevitable? trust me, this life is stupid and meaningless, im doing you a favor right now"

*The clown raises her voice* "My children need a motherly figure for safety! I am that motherly figure! Who's gonna be their ring leader! I NEED TO LIVE FOR THEM!"

she seems shocked. "well well well! if i knew you didnt give a fuck about your own life then maybe i woulda went a bt easier on ya! well, this is certainly interesting, so ill give you a deal, you dont kill me if i let you go, and ill let you go, but if i untie this and you try to fight.....well, then i dont think you'll be so fun anymore, and when i stop being entertained by one of my play things.....then those play things get disgarded, broken, and everyone forgets about them"

there is a sudden flash of light



