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I uploaded a new demo and updated the controls.

Control A:

Aim with mouse to go in the direction you want to go.

Forward is  [ ↑ ] or [ W ]. Strafe right/left of bugbot is [→]  /  [←] or [ A ] / [ D ].

Backward is [ ↓ ] or [ S ]

Control B:

Move mouse to aim. Up is  [ ↑ ] or [W].

Right/left is [→]  /  [←] or [ A ] / [ D ] .

Down is [ ↓ ] or [ S ] .

Left mouse Button is to Fire.

[ P ] to Pause.

Press [ 1 ] or [ 2 ] to toggle between Control A and Control B.

I am going to put the full game for sale soon. I have made a small trailer with no music that shows some of the game play.