I would suggest updating your controls description to let players know of that. Also there is a typo in the rewind spelling as well which is "rewound".
in you game description: The player is working in a store called Lackluster where they must manage video returns from the customers. Each video must be "rewound" and put back onto the shelves.
That's not a typo, its the past participle of rewind in the same way that you would say 'each player must be found' rather than 'each player must be find'
Haha no problem, I wouldn't have been able to guess it was your second language let alone third so don't apologise or be embarrassed. As an Englishman learning Japanese, I know the struggles...
lol nah, I plan on moving there to work, I watch the odd anime but its the food, culture and sights the country has to offer that intrigues me. The plan is to stay there for 5 or so years and then move on to Korea or Thailand once I have learned enough of whichever language I end up choosing.