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Things I liked, I felt you had an awesome concept for rewind and I liked how in the last level you showed a way to even interrupt your past self. Taking a mechanic and then building variations is exactly what needs to be done to make puzzle platformers like this interesting in the long run. It was also intuitive as in a lot of the puzzles if the player was observant enough from the start they can solve them in one go which is very appreciated.

Things I didn't like, honestly felt a bit short to me. You introduced a new mechanic in the last level but didn't build upon it after which was unfortunate. In addition I feel like it was lacking something else in gameplay to add some depth to it. That can easily just be chalked up to a time constraint though so no biggie.

Overall I really enjoyed your game and I hope your proud of where it's ended up after this week!

- Von Harley

Thanks for the review! 

It's indeed quite short. I would have liked to make more levels with more features, but like you said, there was a time limit. 
I'm glad you liked the game and I'm certainly proud of what I was able to get done in a week. Especially since this was the first "real" game I made.