You're on to a great concept! There are a couple of things that could help improve the game:
- Having to sit through the robot talking without being able to skip the dialog is taking a hit on replay-ability.
- It's not entirely clear that you have to hit the the first level "screen" panel with your gun. Either make it raise by itself or add a little tutorial that tells you what to do (even adding subtitles might help). Also, in the second level, the "screen" raise itself which is not consistent ...
- The physics is not working correctly: when standing on a platform I often fell off while the platform was moving.
- In level 2, the reset was not working properly(player is reset but not the platform) and, given the issues of the moving platform, it was very frustrating.
If you fix these issues, you would have a really enjoyable game! I really love the teasing by the robot! Keep on the good work!
PS: I ran into a similar game here: You should check it out too!