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Good idea! I feel like it needs a bit of polish though:

  • The bullets are not appearing.
  • You can run into walls (make sure to apply Physics to your sprites, I ran into the same issue).
  • In some places enemies are appearing right next to the player, very rage inducing mechanic :D.
  • When you restart, there are no enemies and the camera is not attached to the player anymore. You have to entirely restart the game for it to work correctly.
  • Heart unlock did not work correctly for me: it took a heart out instead of giving one
  • The controls are not clear, maybe you can add tooltips into the game.

With more levels, a few more enemies and different types of weapons, you'd have a very nice game! The art and in-game music are solid! 

Keep up the good work!

Thanks for taking the time to play our game! I am aware it needs some polish, however I can’t figure out why things are going wrong. The collisions have worked fine in the past for me in my other games, but didn’t work with this one. Same goes for bullets. I have no idea why the camera/enemy spawning is broken when you die (maybe something to do with reloading the scene). Also, enemies will always spawn in the middle “hallway/row”. It’s not very clear that it does so and I’m not 100% sure it always works, but that’s how it’s supposed to go. When you unlock a heart, the heart is unlocked however it is still empty. This is an intended mechanic implemented to attempt to balance the game by making the rewind ability riskier. I wholeheartedly agree that this is not a playable game by any standards, but I thought it might be nice to give some insight into the development side of it. I’m sorry for giving you such a long reply :P

Thanks for playing Out of Time,

- MossyBackedSnail and GlitterDemon