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Hey, I jsut played your game but something feels off, here are my thoughts but first, a few things that I do like:

1) Great theming - Perfects one of the better games that take REWIND to a very good level. To rewind, can also very loosely be to re-iterate, and you game title is just *chef's kiss* cherry on top. Love it. The idea was also executed well as a platformer where you have to die to progress.

However, maybe your game is bugged - I can't progress past the first level at all, it seems like my character is moving too slow to progress the first pit of spikes. So unfortunately I can't comment too much, but I will do my best to suggest some more ideas on improving:

1) Consider adding a lives-left counter, so that players can plan ahead. Because this game can be considered a puzzle-platformer and with puzzle games, you have to give the players all the tools they need neccesary for their success.

2) I think you should keep the levels to a 'single screen' - think Celeste for most of their levels, this allows players to look at all the elements, plan, and execute accordingly. However I am subjective on this as I can only play the first level.

3) You need to add some tutorial - although WASD is quite staple, I didn't know Space was the instant-die mechanic, and that W is the jump. It was a bit jenky fiddling around the controls without a tutorial.

All in all - this is a flawed diamond is the best way to put it. If I want to be honest, I can't say it's good unfortunately - in my playthrough I think the game was broken by a game-breaking bug which is my character moves way too slow (especially compared to your solution video where you character moves way faster).

BUT, don't lose hope. Honestly - this game idea is actually very good theming, If you would revisit this game in the future, I would implore to add more polish, fix the bugs, make more levels and I'm sure we'll all have some fun dying over and over.

Thumbs up for effort. Thumbs up for good theming!

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot for advice! I will put fast update when i get back to my computer with project. Life counter is in next levels and instant die mechanic is introduced in level 2. I will try to fix this movement problem and add more lifes, thanks for playing!