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(1 edit)

A very nice game! Though I didn’t fully understand why such a variety of time-related abilities is needed: most of the time I was able to beat the level just by stopping time at the very beginning. Another note is that when these abilities (and related key bindings) are introduced in the tutorial, it feels a little painful - you have to remember five new things at the same time, and if a moment ago you were ready to dive into the game, now you worry if you’ll remember all the options and keys. This isn’t that serious, though, but it feels like something can be done to improve the experience :)

The sound felt a bit off, too. It was ok in the main menu, but got really noisy in the levels. Maybe those were rockets? I did hear the music but the noise was as loud as the main theme.

Nonetheless, feels like a decent submission, good job!

(btw try & rate my game if you like shooters, it has loads of rockets too!)


Thank you so much for your feedback! i agree with everything you said. I dont know how to make sounds, sound in the background, try reducing the sound but i couldnt figure it out, look tutorials and everything but i will find the way. only the first three levels and the last level by accident, you can pass by  pausing the game. There is a total of 12 levels where you are gone have to rewind, make it go slower and pause to pass. the tutorial i agree, i didnt notice or had time to make a better tutorial, there were too many controllers for such a short amount of time to learn them. i will check out your Game :)