What I liked:
- Creepy feel to the game
- Rewind sound adds a lot of game feel , also the bear sound gave me the chills
- UI text looks very clear, along with having no UI clutter on screen
- Settings includes mouse sensitivity slider (I didn't have time to do this in my game , so well done for you guys)
- Visuals are very pleasing to look at
- Game is very dark so i got lost a lot (maybe that was the point)
- Give the player a caveman torch (would definitely help in navigation)
- Grass clips on rocks and tree stubs (reduces realism)
- Make Esc key pause (as it is the default button for most games here)
- Cursor confused me in the making fire stage , I was running around like a headless chicken , it should have pointed to the way i needed to go from the start or shouldn't be there at all in my opinion.
All in all really impressed with the game , made me feel wanting to explore more after the game ended. PS: I hope you will try my game as well and rate it. I have given you nice ratings for this well done guys!!