What I liked about the game:
- The message it delivers , you age more if your stressed
- Character has great animations , along with the enemies
- Shows Different life problems at different age
- Also the changing priorities as you age and what gives you happiness
- Music fits the game, also enjoyed how it slowed down as you aged
- Dead Screen is funny and mocks player to play again, the bell clangs is a hilarious addition
- I loved kicking bullies asses also fighting gull bladders was fun and unique experience xD
- A pause button would be a great addition
- Reward items gets stuck if you kill enemies outside the screen
- I couldn't find any , well done bro!
This is definitely in my top 5 games, I have played soo far. I'm impressed you managed to make it this good, also you bought a sound pack which was a good investment as well and shows how much dedication you put into the game. Your game is 5/5 no doubt. Add me on Discord if you wish "invalid#8392".